revisted journal entry


late night wandering words

by Journey Temple

if follicles were any bigger you’d have to see all the sad thoughts in my head

thank you pores

when I say vessel,

you think of the blue ocean

I think of the red rivers

my bones are made of paper mâché,

my ulna, my radius

someone decided my words were too flimsy so they plastered me with their belief system

suddenly stiff from your glue that tries to change my natural form

the face built for me is neither happy nor sad

if I tear it off I am left with … something

far away maybe

find me a home

a warm bath might soften me

shells can only form if the water is not pure

the peeling often hurts

but the new skin is reward for living life in the sun

the only god I pray to

the only thing both pale and bright

it seems to hold my fate

for a day when i do not have to start this way again

when I say vessel,

we stop thinking

we have instead only songs


rereading this i become very emotional. to see myself in this work, i see a scared 16 year old, full body in confusion of the world’s why and how. i was exploring the edge of surrealism without knowing its name. i was uncomfortable in my own body, not sure how to be confident in the space i was taking up, and how i could soften it in order to invite others in. i am okay that a lot of this poem is still my truth, i would not be me without the places i’ve been and the sadness i have felt.

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